Running R code in secure shell using Vim

October 27, 2014

Reading time ~5 minutes

##My computer

I have been using the same MacBook Air for just over three years now. It has been a great computer and I think that it has a lot of life left in it, but occasionally it has some issues, most of which revolve around memory. When I am using R to work with large data sets and have more non-essential files stored on my computer than usual, I encounter kernal panics, runaway processes, and extreme sluggishness in every aspect of the computer include mouse movement and changing window focus. The whole computer becomes essentially unusable, the code usually never finishes running and I have to start over. I would happily trade almost any other problem in my life for more of these computer issues (which is essentially “I can’t listen to spotify and code”), but it has been especially galling during the last year.

##I’ve been doing a lot of data mining

Which means I am working with large datasets a lot lately. This means that my computer issues have become a daily routine for me in the last few weeks. It has gotten so irritating that I finally decided to learn how to use our department’s computing resources. Specifically, I took advantage of an opportunity to learn how to batch submit my code to the linux machines the department keeps for us.

##Submit R code to the terminal servers The basic things that I needed were commands log in to the terminal (which prompts me for my password):

ssh -p 323 -l imouzon


-p 323
is the port number
is the terminal that I am trying to log in to, and
-l imouzon
is identifies my username. I also needed to be able to batch submit my R code (which we will call

R CMD BATCH test.r &

which can run without locking up my system at all and without being greedy about resources by using the following:

nohup nice R CMD BATCH test.r &

keeps running the code even if I logout and
submits the code at low enough priority that it won’t interfere with other users work.

##Using Vim to submit code and gather the results Since I do everything in Vim, it made sense to automate the code so that I could submit the code out of Vim using a single command. This led me to write a function that copies the code I am working on from my personal computer to the terminal, runs the code using the terminal servers, and returns the results of the submission to my computer. As a side note, this whole process is only possible because I set up my computer so that I wouldn’t have to enter my password every time I log on to the server.

A function to copy the current file to the impact server:

   function! CopyImpactR(...)
      let user = "imouzon"
      "smb subfolder
      let smbsubfolder = '/R/'
      "smb folder prefix
      let smbfolder = "/Volumes/".user.smbsubfolder
      "which impact do I want to use
      if a:0 > 0
         let filename = a:1
         let filename = expand('%:t')
      "create the final copy command:
      let CI_command = '!cp '.expand('%:p').' '.smbfolder.filename
      "run the copy command
      execute CI_command

A function to run R code in the terminal:

   function! SSHrunsR(Rfile,sshcmd,be_nice,be_hup,be_and)
      "p1: set up R command line
         if a:be_nice > 0
            let how_nice = 'nice'
            let how_nice = ''
         "turned hup for what
         if a:be_hup > 0
            let how_hup = ''
            let how_hup = 'nohup'
         "and ampersand
         if a:be_and > 0
            let how_and = ' &'
            let how_and = ''
         let RCMD = ' "'.how_hup.' '.how_nice.' R CMD BATCH ./R/'.a:Rfile.how_and.'"'
      "p2: run the Rcode on the impact server
         "Full form of command to submit
         let sshR = a:sshcmd.RCMD
         "Run some R code
         execute sshR

A function that copies the current R file, submits to the terminal, and moves the output to the local folder the R code is stored in:

   "copy R code to the terminal
   function! RtoSSH(...)
      "p1: copy the R code so it is available to impact
         "Copy the current R file to the impact folder
         execute CopyImpactR()
      "p2: set up variables for paths/commands
      "    user, server, rfolder
         let user = "imouzon"
         "smb folder prefix
         let smbfolder = "/Volumes/".user
         "server number
         let serverNo = 3
         "server name
         let server = 'impact'.serverNo.''
         "port number
         let portNo = 323
         "form of the ssh command
         let sshcmd = '!ssh -p '.portNo.' '.server.' -l '.user
      "p3: Knowing where the Rcode is stored
      "    the Rfolder, the Rfile
         "R folder: where has the R code been put?
         let Rfolder = smbfolder.'/R/'
         "Rfile to run
         let Rfile = expand('%:t')
      "p4: batch submit the code
         call SSHrunsR(Rfile,sshcmd,1,0,1)
      "p5: Now that the R code has run, retrieve the R output
         "files current directory
         let resultsDir = expand('%:p:h')
         "Output file extension
         let outext = '.rds'
         "create command to retrieve the R output
         let retrieveR = 'silent !mv '.Rfolder.'/*'.outext.' '.resultsDir
         "and retrieve it
         execute retrieveR

and an easy to remember key binding that does all of this automatically:

nmap <Leader>sshR :call RtoSSH()<CR>

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